mercredi 4 janvier 2017

Carthage International Festival continues to shine from Roman amphitheatre

Sonia Mbarek, renowned Tuni­sian singer and current director of Festival, emphasises histori­cal and cultural importance of this annual event.

Tunis - Staged in the Roman Am­phitheatre of Carthage, the International Festival of Carthage is an annual event that graces Tunisia with a variety of concerts and artistic shows extending over the months of July and August.
The glorious monument of the Carthage amphitheatre, which dates back to the second century AD, with­stands the test of time. Its complex architectural system of stairs and caves provides protection against earthquakes. In ancient times, it was primarily used for theatre pres­entations and other cultural events, such as poetry readings and philo­sophical debates. Vandalised in the fifth century, the amphitheatre was put back to use at the end of the 19th century.
Starting in 1964, and following renovations, the theatre became the site of the International Festival of Carthage, a culture and entertain­ment venue showcasing talents every summer.
The festival was established in the early 1960s as an initiative of intel­lectuals and art­ists. It started mainly as a two-day jazz music festi­val and in­cluded a presentation of a Jean-Paul Sartre play in 1961

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